Since no relaxers have touched my hair, I've had to come up with some sort of style that I felt comfortable with. At first I thought about putting the micro braids back in for a time. That always gives my hair a rest from daily styling, but my husband prefers my natural hair. I did want something different to break my usual cycle of hair styles. It's kind of odd to find something to do with only a half inch of natural hair. It's just the beginning. I've been searching the web for transitioning hair styles. The TWA isn't something I'm bold enough to do. Instead of doing the big chop I'm doing two strand twists. Here are a few photos I took of my hair with the two strand twist. They are loosely done. Of course the hair being relaxed at the ends will not hold a twist long. I have to keep twisting them. So far this style has been fun to experiment with. I have about a half inch of natural hair and about 5.5 inches of relaxed hair. I can't seem to stop playing with the roots of my hair. I'm liking the texture more and more. I remember not liking the texture, and saying I needed a perm long before I had a half inch of new growth! Oh boy and I happy I'm on the road to getting my locks. I'm so excited about it!
I think the twists look like Sisterlocks. Good look to you on your install and keep LIU posted.
Thanks Carmen! I thought they would give me sort of idea of how the sister locks might would look. Of course they aren't all evenly and neatly done as the SL would be but it works for now.
Thanks for sharing your journey.
Ditto what Carmen said. I thought you'd had sisterlocks installed! Did you do that yourself? That looks incredibly time consuming. Have you checked out Blessed Gem Lady's blog? http://blessedgemlady.blogspot.com/ She started with relaxed ends. Her hair almost made me envious that I didn't have relaxed ends. Keep us updated after your install!
Thanks jamofism!
Allecia, wow thanks for the relaxed ends reference her SL's are beautiful with relaxed ends! I plan to keep this blog updated before and after the install! Thanks for reading!
Hi Tawanna
Like the others at first glance I thought you were sisterlocked, you are doing a great job being creative with your hair.
Sounds like you have found freedom loving your new growth and not wanting to perm it.
I am also a follower on yahoo lockitup.Thanks for your comments on my blog I am excited and equally excited that you have decided to take the journey after much debating..as I did the same... well I debated over 6 yrs.
Thanks Angel locs! Yeah I think it takes a bit for some of us to make the decision to go natural. From what I have seem none have regretted it. It's just getting past the very beginning when you are getting used to your natural tresses that can present a challenge. Most of us have no idea what to do with our natural hair. I'm just experimenting until I can get sister locks.
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